bogdanuta Ies des in natura si fotografiez din placere. Postez momentele frumoase pe care le-am surprins. Sper sa iti faca si tie ziua putin mai frumoasa Instagram post 18015135881165893 Instagram post 18019946275545001 Instagram post 17951979344447807 Floating on clouds Instagram post 17894103659652278 Instagram post 17911353563594666 Instagram post 17926475183472602 Instagram post 17891293655398191 Instagram post 18096955495276035 Instagram post 18255549532060715 Gondoliers Instagram post 17996450227375138 Instagram post 18005342005330391 Instagram post 17886189107373402 Instagram post 18060971323288784 Instagram post 17893574180282163 Instagram post 17918967634931819 Priveste cer(b)ul Instagram post 17894828348238913 Instagram post 17863286303609816 Instagram post 17890435523466946 Instagram post 17863661735559641 Instagram post 18188359342184304 Instagram post 17900169914319617 Instagram post 17907154313122260 Au innebunit salcamii.. 🗓 Martie 2021 Pas cu pas 🗓 martie 2021 En route 🗓 ianuarie 2021 Pe Valea Sambetei intr-o zi de marti 🗓 februar O mare de zapada 🗓 februarie 2021 🗓 februarie 2021 Vf. Zespezel la coltari, pe multe grade cu minus In plina meditatie 🗓 februarie 2021 Vreme perfecta in creasta Fagarasului 🗓 februa Belvedere in ceata, la urcare spre Cabana Dochia Muntii Ciucas, Coborare de la Cabana Varful Ciucas The shade of Matterhorn at sunset Instagram post 17850026213499267 Instagram post 17920565923520103 Instagram post 17867183459266867 The morning light Chamonix seen from the top of Europe Instagram post 17870996045241356 Instagram post 17966153206371304 Instagram post 17920622749521910 Instagram post 17963197033364620 Diagonal Shooting with a view Instagram post 18090332986230258 Instagram post 18062690185265313 Load More... Follow on Instagram